How's things? I hope you're feeling fantastic. I also
hope I can put a little smile on your face with a little
story telling :)
Once upon a time, there were three little pigs. They all
lived happily together with their family in the internet
forest. But as the little pigs grew older, they decided
to move out on their own, as little pigs will do.
The first little pig moved to the big city. He liked the
hustle and bustle and there were more business
opportunities there, he thought to himself. Every time
he turned around there was another business he could
join that promised him riches beyond his wildest dreams.
All he had to do was pay $50 a month and do nothing at all.
The money would just flow into his bank account. That's
what the website said.
So the first little pig hopped from business to business,
spending more and more money. Unfortunately, for the
little pig, the money was on a one-way street. It
flowed out of his bank account, but never back in.
Soon, the first little pig was dead broke and he had to
leave the big city that he loved so much and move in
with his brother, the second little pig.
The second little pig lived in a town nearby. It was a
bit quieter than the big city, but it still had lots of
The day the first little pig turned up on the second
little pigs' doorstep, he was taken by surprise. He
could hardly get in the front door. The second little
pig had printed out all the ebooks and websites he could
find about making money online. He had piles of paper
stacked up all over the house and had no room to move.
The second little pig studied and studied the
information, but never felt he was quite ready to take
that first step. Sadly, the second little pig lost his
house too. His inaction bankrupted him and both little
pigs had to move in with the third little pig.
The third little pig lived in the country. He loved the
wide-open spaces and had lots of time to take long
walks in the countryside. He worked on his online
business about 4 hours a day and then took the rest of
the day off to enjoy life.
The first two little pigs asked what his secret to
success was. Why had he been able to make a living
online when they had failed.
The third little pig explained that when they left home,
he had moved to the country and ordered a business
blueprint, Your Marketing Journal. Your Marketing
Journal was a hybrid business plan that connected a
book, a private member's website, and monthly
teleconference coaching.
Each day, the third little pig would open his book,
login to his private members' website and complete one
simple activity. Once a month he participated in a
coaching teleconference call where he could ask a
business coach and internet marketing consultant
specific questions that popped up as he was building
his business.
The first two little pigs were so impressed by the
progress that the third little pig had made in only
one year, they decided to change their ways and follow
the third little pig's lead.
One year later, the first little pig moved back to the
big city. He moved into a nice house, bought a new car
and lived a very comfortable lifestyle.
The second little pig moved back into town. He was
able to buy his house back from the bank and even paid
off all his debts he had accumulated. He too lived a
happy, comfortable lifestyle.
The third little pig went on to build several online
businesses, following the formula he learned in Your
Marketing Journal. Today he lives the life of his
dreams. He can do whatever he wants, whenever he wants,
and doesn't have to worry about the cost.
Thanks to a simple business blueprint, all three little
pigs are currently living the lives they dreamed of.
Are you ready to start living yours?
Are you ready to build your online business for REAL
this time? Don't fall into the traps that the first and
second pig fell into. Go directly to here ..........
and start building your business today.
Talk again soon.
Enjoy your day!
PS. If you're stuck in the maze of scams and information
overload, follow the third little pigs' plan. You
probably won't get rich quick, but you'll create a solid
business that can afford you the lifestyle you want. Click here .......
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