
I would first like to welcome you to this web site and I hope it will be a blessing to all who visit here.

as you can see this is my blog. What I decided to do here is to make a website with Tech & Internet Stuff. Also in this website I will post things about me and the projects that I am working, is more likely that you will see more News from the Internet than info about me.

Why? Well because I don’t do too much interesting things to post here every day, so I put News that I know you will enjoy and help you grow in experience. I read a lot of news in the Internet I like to know what going around me; really I like Computers books I am always at Border’s looking for new books of different kind’s from programming books as specially for internet business.
I know there are a lot of web sites out there and that is why I didn't want
to start one at first. But after spending time in prayer, I felt the Lord
impressing on my heart to make one anyway. There are many web sites with
great information about all kinds of things, but this site has only three main titles.
Salvation, Encouragement, and Inspiration.

The main thing I wanted this web site to be was simplicity. I didn't want to have a complex setup
where people do not feel comfortable. This site is
designed to be a relaxing place to come and get inspiration and encouragement
so when you go out into the world, you can let your light shine like I know it does.

These are stories I have collected over time and I have included in this site
the very best ones. I am getting a lot more from friends and family and they
are being added on a weekly basis. If you have any stories or poems that are
good to read and encouraging, feel free to send it to me with the author's
name included and I will add them to the area where they belong.


This is NOT a religious blog though my life is deeply intertwined with my faith. What you find herein is strictly for fun! No I don't have time for blogging however I need some sort of "downtime" and this blog is one of the things that I love to do to unwind. Comments are most welcome! When I show pictures of my home or family etc it is because I love both it and them and love to show a glimpse to the whole world of the wonderful life we have. Nothing contained within this blog is to try and convince anyone to do things my way!! Consider it my personal interactive journal!! Also when I link to something on another blog that does not mean that I recommend everything that you might read there. Use your own discretion! Hope you enjoy my blog and will feel refreshed after visiting here!!:)